Most laptops available for loan through VIU Library are for short-term use only. Bring your VIU student card to the Library Service Desk to check out a laptop for up to 3 days. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Laptops cannot be renewed and must be returned, on-time, to the Library Service Desk during open hours. Starting July 2, 2024, overdue laptops accrue fines of $10 per day.
View laptop availability at Nanaimo
View laptop availability at Cowichan
Students and employees also have access to desktop computers at the Nanaimo, Cowichan, and tiwšɛmawtxw campuses. Visit this link for a full list of the computer labs at VIU.
The majority of the collection are Dell Latitude 5400s with 14-inch screens. The Nanaimo campus also has a small number of Dell Latitude 5410s with 14-inch touchscreens, and the Cowichan campus has one Apple MacBook Pro with a 13-inch screen.
What's included:
By borrowing a computer from the VIU Library, you acknowledge that you are responsible for its safe and proper use. You accept the following terms of the Vancouver Island University (VIU) Library equipment loans program:
VIU Library | | Nanaimo: 250.740.6330 | Cowichan: 250.746.3517 | tiwšɛmawtxʷ: 1.888.920.2221 ext.6330 | Report a Problem