Research data management infrastructure at VIU Library is offered in the context of VIU's Research Data Management Strategy, and includes the following services and tools:
The Digital Research Alliance of Canada DMP Assistant helps with writing a research data management plan (DMP) by posing a series of questions through a template-based tool. DMP exemplars representing various disciplines and research methods are available from the Training Resources site.
VIUSpace is a digital repository that provides access and stable long-term storage, and facilitates preservation services for products of VIU scholarly and creative activity. VIUSpace may be an appropriate repository for some data needs.
The Vancouver Island University Dataverse is part of Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, and is a research data repository for the use of VIU researchers. Files are held in a secure environment on Canadian servers. Researchers can choose to make content available to the public, to specific individuals, or to keep it locked. The FAQ may assist in determining fit with the data needs of a research project.
The Canadian Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) of the Portage Network is a national solution for storage of big research datasets. For more information about FRDR and how it might relate to your research data management needs, contact Library Data Services.
More information about research data management, planning, and stewardship is available on inquiry. VIU researchers are welcome to make an appointment to discuss research data management needs.
Contact Library Data Services.
There are a number of reasons why researchers plan for life cycle management of their data. Effective research data management can:
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