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If your card fails to grant access to the Nanaimo Campus Library, please contact Security at 250-753-3812 to gain entry. A VIU ID Card must be presented. Facilities is working on repairs.

Equipment Loans

DSLR camera pointed towards landscape

Borrow laptops, cameras, and more at the library.

Research Guides

hand holding pen above data chart

Resources to guide your research process created by your liaison librarians.

Borrowing and Access

people sitting on a bench reading books

Learn about loan privileges, course reserves, and how to use other university libraries.


cartoon icon of desk and computer cartoon icon of lightbulb above three interconnected people gear at the centre of four interconnected people

Group study rooms and workstations for accessibility, media, and video/audio editing



VIU scholarship, creative works, and digital special collections that represent the unique character of our region.



A calendar of upcoming events and workshops happening in the library.

Special Collections


Special Collections identifies, collects, preserves and provides access to rare and/or archival materials that support the needs of the VIU community.

Vancouver Island University Library  |   |  Nanaimo: 250.740.6330  |  Cowichan: 250.746.3517  

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