- a non-profit, advocacy organization that works to support BC First Nations in efforts to increase their role in the governance of forest lands and resources, and participation in the forest sector.
Promotes increased Aboriginal involvement in forest management and related commercial opportunities, while staying committed to holistic or multiple-use forestry.
- promotes " sustainable forest development, management and conservation" - provides information on forests, education, conferences, community outreach, etc.
- "a not-for profit membership based organization recognized for its commitment to effective, quality woodlands operations in support of sustainable forest management"
- addresses "issues unique to the coastal forest sector. The Association works with government and industry stakeholders to create forest policies that benefit the forest sector and, in turn, all British Columbians"
- "represents diverse segments of the wood fiber supply chain, promoting forest products industry members' ability to compete successfully in the global marketplace"
- "represents diverse segments of the wood fiber supply chain, promoting forest products industry members' ability to compete successfully in the global marketplace"
- "a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees"