Find Spanish dictionaries using LibrarySearch or try searching with these keywords:
("Spanish language" AND "dictionaries")
((spanish OR espanol) AND (dictionaries))
"Spanish dictionary"
Find Spanish conversational materials using LibrarySearch by searching with these keywords:
("Spanish language" AND "conversation and phrase books")
Find Spanish language videos in LibrarySearch by trying this search query for ("Spanish language") filtered by content type to video recordings and streaming video.
Digital video for a broad range of topics, with . All videos in this collection are cleared for public performance.
Access via Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL). *Note: Access to VIRL resources requires a public library card.
World Languages: Spanish materials (access via VIRL*)
Mango Languages (access via VIRL*) - Self-paced language learning for vocabulary and conversational skills.
VIU Library | | Nanaimo: 250.740.6330 | Cowichan: 250.746.3517 | tiwšɛmawtxʷ: 1.888.920.2221 ext.6330 |
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