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Living Libraries


Language in the Library is temporarily paused until further notice. 

Coast Salish lands and communities are living libraries. From living libraries stem Indigenous language and story. Living Libraries presents the student-led series of language and cultural learning sessions, Shqwultun. This student-led series aims to provide opportunities for uplifting and learning from the voices of Coast Salish People and local knowledges.

Please return again soon for updates on upcoming Spring semester sessions of Shqwultun, a student-led language and cultural learning series with Living Libraries. Or email with questions, comments, and ask to join our contact list for email updates, including upcoming and unique offerings for this academic year.


Living Libraries presents Shqwultun "The Sound of One's Voice" A student led series of language and cultural learning. Contact for more information

2024 December poster


Living Libraries presents: Shqwultun: a student led series of language and cultural learning. Learn and speak hul'q'umi'num' with Ashley Sampson, Stz'uminus. December 6, 2024 from 12 to 1pm. Building 305 VIU Library, Madrona Room

Ashley Sampson, Stz’uminus, and Elizabeth Prevost, Student Library and Leadership Assistant for Indigenous Initiatives, offered a family friendly, welcoming hour of Hul’q’umi’num’ language and culture. This session was scheduled on a SD68 Pro-D day where we warmly invited you to register and bring your children along. Anyone interested in listening, learning and speaking Hul'q'umi'num' was welcome to register for this session.

The hour-long session of Shqwultun, a student-led language and cultural learning series with Living Libraries occurred on  Friday, December 6, at 12:00pm. We invited you to register your attendance to ensure that seating and refreshments are available for everyone, or in the event that we need to contact attendees with updates.

Email us at with questions, comments, or ask to join our email list to receive occasional updates including details about upcoming offerings.

Previous Shqwultun Sessions

Date & Time Friday, November 15, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Library Building 305 in the Madrona Room 332 (main floor)
Campus Nanaimo
Date & Time Friday, December 6, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Library Building 305 in the Madrona Room 332 (main floor)
Campus Nanaimo

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