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Biol 457: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

marine biodiversity, terrestrial biodiversity, variation of life, extinction, conservation, endangered species, distruction of habitat, invasive species, environmental protection, environmental restoration, resource allocation, species, climate change

Finding Journals in the VIU Library

To find out if the VIU Library has a specific journal in our collection, select the link below and type the title of the journal :

Examples of Journal Titles

The following titles are examples of journals relevant to the area of Biodiversity and Conservation. You can search for these titles individually in our collection.



Biodiversity and Conservation


Canadian Journal of Zoology


Conservation Biology

Diversity & Distribution


Endangered Species Research

Environmental Conservation

Environmental Management

Journal for Nature Conservation

Journal of Ecology

Journal of Wildlife Management

Policy Sciences


Helpful Notes

If the VIU library doesn't have a specific journal, you can complete an Interlibrary Loan Request for a specific article inside that journal. (See the link below.)

Journal Title Abbreviations & Acronyms

Here are some helpful tools to use when you are citing specific journals and the style calls for abbreviated journal titles.

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