Explore the FAQs below:
Is there a limit to how much I can copy?
Can I copy another person's images to include in my assignments and presentations?
I belong to a club on campus and we want to show a film. Do we need permission?
As a VIU student, is my work protected by copyright?
Can I use another person's work to create something new?
Don't see what you're looking for? Please contact the Copyright Office if you have an questions or concerns.
There are exceptions in the Copyright Act, known as 'user's rights', which allow users to use copyright-protected works without payment or permission from the copyright owner, as long as certain parameters are met.
If you are copying a work for educational purposes, you may use fair dealing and educational exceptions. If the use is not for education, there are general exception that any user can follow.
Visit the Fair Dealing page to explore educational exceptions.
Yes. Depending on the exception in the Copyright Act you are using, there may be limits to how much you can copy. See the above FAQ What can I legally copy? for more information.
Yes. Students can include copyright-protected content in their assignments and presentations under fair dealing and educational exceptions in the Copyright Act.
Fair dealing permits use of short excerpts from copyright-protected works for specific purposes without payment or permission from the copyright owner. In general, students can use one image from a collection of images (e.g., a gallery of online images, a book of photography, etc.) for the purposes of education, research, and private study.
If your use exceeds limits outlined in VIU's fair dealing guidelines, seek permission from the copyright owner or contact the Copyright Office for assistance.
Fore more information on fair dealing and educational exceptions, visit the Fair Dealing page.
There are also resources that can be used with fewer restrictions compared to traditional, copyright-protected works. For more information, visit the Copyright Alternatives page.
It depends. An educational exception in the Copyright Act allows members of the VIU community (students, staff, and faculty) to show DVDs and videos on campus without Public Performance Rights or permission from the copyright owner, provided:
Public performance of a feature film at VIU for non-educational purposes (e.g., fundraisers, club activities, etc.) may be possible if the rights were purchased by VIU or negotiated for the specific use. To find out if a particular film is covered by a license, please contact the Copyright Office.
For personal services such as Netflix, you agree to specific terms of use when you sign-up. Consult these to see what uses are permitted.
Copyright Act, Section 29.5(d)
Yes. Your works are automatically protected by copyright as soon as they are fixed in print or digital formal.
VIU's VIU's Intellectual Property Policy (31.13, Section 6.2) states VIU students own copyright in the works they create during the course of their studies.
Copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, and perform their works. So, if your department or program would like to use your work for marketing purposes, your permission is required.
Yes. You can always request permission of the copyright owner. However, a person may use an existing publicly available work in the creation of a new work (i.e., a mashup or remix) without payment or permission from the copyright owner, provided:
Copyright Act, Section 29.21
Do you have questions? Want to learn more? Contact the Copyright Office
The information on this website is provided as guidance for educational purposes and is not intended as legal advice.
VIU's copyright website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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