VIU Library has prepared an asynchronous library instruction module that covers the following topics:
The module is designed as a scaffolded tutorial that breaks down learning into manageable chunks, reducing cognitive load and enhancing student learning. According to best pedagogical practices, we recommend making the module available to students before or after library instruction sessions, allowing them to revisit and reinforce their learning at their own pace. Also, strategically integrating relevant parts of the module at specific points of need throughout your course can further enhance students' understanding of key concepts. Librarians are available to collaborate with you in determining the best approach for incorporating the module effectively. Feel free to reach out to us and support.
You can download it as a D2L import file. This import file contains modules intended for ENGL 115 and 125 (and equivalents). The ENGL 125 portion can be deleted once you import the file.
We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to follow these instructions. Many of the troubleshooting inquiries we received in the Fall were solved by switching from Safari to another browser.
Inside you will find submodules that you can drag and drop into the relevant sections of your course. We recommend placing the content at students' point of need. ie: Place "Getting Started" at the beginning of the term so students can learn how to search for and access library resources, such as course readings. if you are unsure of how best to organize the library tutorials in your online course, be sure to get in touch and we will work with you. You can delete the "All Library Tutorials" module once you have dragged and dropped all the content where you would like it.
The following video demonstrates Steps 1 - 9 of the import process (no audio):
You may have browser extensions that automatically unzip the import file, which can cause problems. Make sure the file you're selecting on Step 7 above is a .zip file. If you can't turn that feature off in your browser, try downloading it on another browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.
If you have any trouble importing it, you can also try the import steps on CIEL’s page.
VIU Library | | Nanaimo: 250.740.6330 | Cowichan: 250.746.3517 | tiwšɛmawtxʷ: 1.888.920.2221 ext.6330 |
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