Shipping address: VIU Library Interlibrary Loans, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5
ILL contact telephone: 250-740-6330
ILL contact email:
Illume (SHAREit) Library code: BNM
Canadian Library Symbol (LAC) code: BNM
Library Catalogue URL:
ILL software: Requests initiated via Illume/SHAREit are retrieved and processed in Illume/SHAREit. Requests initiated via Relais are retrieved and processed in Relais.
Consortium memberships: COPPUL (full member); CRKN. We observe six-week loan periods and charge-free lending per the 2019 COPPUL / OCUL / CAUL-CBUA / BCI Resource Sharing Agreement.
Physical lending and borrowing of interlibrary loans resumed on January 3, 2025. Please contact with any questions.
Returnable Loans: Six (6) weeks from the date of receipt by the borrowing library (per the 2019 COPPUL / OCUL / CAUL-CBUA / BCI Resource Sharing Agreement).
Renewals: Renewal requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. One six-week renewal may be permitted, depending on circumstances, per the 2019 COPPUL / OCUL / CAUL-CBUA / BCI Resource Sharing Agreement.
Non-returnable Copies: PDF copies of journal articles and book chapters, from print and electronic sources, are provided if allowable under relevant license terms and fair dealing analyses. Non-returnables are delivered via secure Interlibrary loan systems, including Illume/SHAREit for requests initiated in Illume/SHAREit, and Relais for requests initiated in Relais.
Not for Loan:
Non-returnable Copy charges: No charges, per the 2019 COPPUL / OCUL / CAUL-CBUA / BCI Resource Sharing Agreement.
Renewals: No charges, per the 2019 COPPUL / OCUL / CAUL-CBUA / BCI Resource Sharing Agreement.
Replacement charges: Replacement cost plus $25 processing fee.
Late fees: Not Applicable.
Invoice payments: Invoicing and payments go through VIU's Accounts Receivable department (payment and contact information to be provided with invoice.)