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Kathleen Reed: Recent Classes: SWAG 330 S19

Kathleen Reed's presentation slides for recent classes/lectures.

Week 2 Discussion Questions

1. Either begin or continue an already-created thread called "Week 2: The Promise of Digital Spaces" [NOTE: THIS WON'T BE POSSIBLE DURING THE D2L OUTAGE]

2. Give your thoughts on the following questions:

  • All three articles talk about online political resistance. How is political resistance enacted online? What possibilities do online environments offer for political resistance that offline cannot? Are there limits to political resistance online?
  • Andi Schwartz argues that “femmes politicize online space by using blogs as tools to engage in identity production, community building, and political theorizing” (2). This in turn creates what Fraser (qtd by Schwartz) calls “counter publics,” that is, “parallel discursive arenas where members of subordinated social groups invent and circulate counterdiscourses, which in turn permit them to formulate oppositional interpretations of their identities, interests, and needs.” Think about your own travels online. Have you seen “counterpublic” spaces be created? For what purposes? What effect do they have?
  • Online activism is sometimes critiqued as “hashtag activism” or “slacktivism,” while selfies are seen by some as narcissistic. How do our authors this week respond to these claims? What are your thoughts?

3. Check in to your group's discussion forum once daily and make sure to advance the conversation. The more active you are in your group, the better experience will be had by members (and you!) 


Access your group from the list of Week 2 content - it's a link called "Group Discussions." [NOTE: THIS WON'T BE POSSIBLE DURING THE D2L OUTAGE]

Week 3 Readings

Week 3 Discussion Questions

1. Either begin or continue an already-created thread called "'Week 3: Brogramme Nation"

2. In this thread, you'll be discussing the following questions: How does Kate Losse's account of working for 'The Facebook' illustrate some of the gender inequities outlined by the film, CODE? What aspects of Losses's memoir stand out to you, and why? How does she illuminate the problem found in the Culture of Technology which we could refer to as "brogramming."

3. Check in to your group's discussion forum a few times a week and make sure to advance the conversation. The more active you are in your group, the better experience will be had by members (and you!)

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