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Digitization & Digital Preservation at VIU Library

VIU Library has been selectively archiving web content since 2017. The purpose of this activity is to support and extend the Library's collections and preservation work to include web-based content that reflects the character of our region, increasing the likelihood that information of value to University learning, scholarly and creative activities may be preserved and, as appropriate, accessible over time.*

Where online information may be ephemeral, or vulnerable to change or loss, the Library uses Archive-it software from the Internet Archive, together with other technologies, in order to:

  • Build thematic collections that reflect regional perspectives on topics of general interest, such as COVID-19, local elections, and significant events;
  • Archive locally-relevant web content such as VIU faculty project websites, upon request and depending on technical viability and availability of resources.

The Library's publicly available web archives collection are found here:

Thematic collections include:

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* Blackburn, J., McFarland, D., Paterson, S., & Ringham, L. (2022, October 6). Thematic Web Archives as an Emerging Collections Strategy. 2022 CRKN Conference: Strength in Community.

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